Technology has become the first tool in our life that we can find by it an answer in everything we need or asking about. So, technology can help us to learn and improve our learning. In this section, you will find a variety of my works that I have done in my master program for some classes, and useful links to help you learn more about technology. Below are the works for my classes:
ETEC676: Animals Word
In this project, I created educational games for children how are 3-6, to facilitate learning about animal world. I established this project for those kids who are not interesting in traditional learning, and they do not have a desire to learn science. Hence, I can make them feel enjoying while they are learning.
EDUC605: School Website:
In this class, I worked with group of different backgrounds to design a School website. This school help students to learn English Language and improve their skills. The website has different sections that has information about this school such as curriculum, mission Statement, and philosophy of education.
ETEC546: Digital Story Telling
In ETEC546 Class, I have created a digital story telling by usin iMovie application with group. We collected different materials like pictures, video, music, and audios. Then, we started to work to gather in the same time to make a small story about the challenges that Saudi students face when they study abroad and how they overcome those challenge to give a good impression about their experiences to people.
ETEC546: Educational Game
I created this application as a mobile game "Animal World" to make children learn some information about animals. So, they can play and learn in the same time.
ETEC692: Practicum in Instructional Technology:
in my field experience, I worked in high School in my country. My work included three parts. First Part, working as assistance with computer teacher by helping her students when they learn about Excel and Word. Xp. Second, designing some learning materials by using Power Point. Last, participating in activities in the School.